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Meet the Team

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Hi!  I'm Kelly!  


It is my goal to help you achieve your best health at the deepest level possible.  It is clear to me from my own experience and the experience of watching the health journeys of others, that we are all more effective when our bodies are working the way they are supposed to.


We have big work to do in this world.  This work takes energy.   When we feel good, we can be enthusiastic about our work.  We can be open to the experience and accepting of the adventure that it promises.  We have reserves in our tank for more. 


  • More satisfying work

  • More invigorating athletic endeavors

  • More authentic relationships


When we are operating on fumes, every demand seems like a heavy weight.  We dread requests of others we decline experiences because we are hanging on so desperately to the little bit that we have.  We can be irritable, unpleasant and unattractive. 


This is no way to live! 


Energy is a great gauge for overall health.  It takes energy to manage internal stressors like leaky gut, gut infections, allergies, endocrine dysfunction and blood sugar dysregulation.  The toxicity that the body has to compensate for in addition to the cellular damage and suboptimal organ function all contribute to a decreased supply of energy. 


I struggled with low energy for years. I didn't even realize how unnatural this was.  I just knew that I had a cap on what I could do without feeling exhausted.  I attended targeted seminars on energy management and focused on it in my practice and ended up on the other end of my debilitating fatigue.  Looking back, I am so grateful that I am no longer living at that diminished capacity.  We only get one life! 


 Don't take your health for granted.  Eat, work, play and love as though your life depends on it.  Because it does!    There is an urgency.  Toxic eating and lifestyle choices are a true gamble.  


I've been there! Let me help you!

Kelly Greenway

Nutritional Therapy Practitioner

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Rachel Dolph


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Rachel excitedly joins the Dig Nutrition team as a health coach and phlebotomist.


After completing Nutritional Therapy training and an undergraduate degree in Kinesiology, Rachel felt the calling to continue her education and passion for holistic health. This led her to pursue an education and licensure as a midwife in Idaho and she is humbled to have served this community as such.  


Rachel and her husband Kyle welcomed their first baby earth side this past winter and she loves living out her journey as a mom. With less time working on-call (at least outside the house), she is thrilled by the opportunity to serve Sandpoint on the Dig team.


Rachel is passionate about all things birth and believes food is medicine. She loves to sing and share music with her daughter and will one day write a book elaborately illustrating her love of food, house plants, and all the mistakes she made growing a garden. 

Carly Snider is a dog mom, dark chocolate enthusiast and lover of all things outdoors. She also happens to be a Functional Nutritional Therapist, and owner of Feed Your Focus Nutritional Therapy.


Carly lives with her newlywed husband, Beau and pup Remi The Red Aussie, in Coeur d'Alene Idaho. 


From here she operates a neuro-based Nutritional Therapy practice specializing in restoring GI function, blood sugar regulation and stress management. Carly partners with her clients to help them achieve their desired health outcomes in a supportive, team-style approach mixing the best of evidence-based testing and culinary medicine. 


"The goal is to turn Hangry people into Happy people."


In other words, Carly believes that by exploring the profound connection between food, mood and stress her clients can feel better, work happier, increase and sustain their energy, improve their digestion and even eliminate disease.


The focus of Carly's practice is to bring vitality and relief to a community of stressed out, hard-working people who want to find ways to make food work for them, especially by identifying and overcoming GI issues, the blood sugar "roller coaster" and unknown food sensitivities.


The result of knowing your body better, is restoration of the hope that "dis-ease is not inevitable", and the body has the ability to heal and transform itself, by focusing on the foundations of what and how we eat - which often begins with the brain.


"Because we rely on eating for survival, it's something that everyone navigates to one to degree or another."


Carly has seen the widespread need for overcoming common, modern-day symptoms with accessible primally inspired solutions. It is her heartfelt belief that by getting to the origin together and becoming focused on the path forward, her clients can create sustainable change that can be passed on to future generations. 


Now, beyond the one-on-one client breakthroughs in her local and virtual practice, Carly is passionate about bringing education and real-life strategies to national corporate groups who want to invest in their company culture of health and wellness. As a result, we see happier more productive employees and employers love that it can benefit their bottom line and quality of work + life integration.


If Carly's not in her practice being a hope dealer for her community of clients, or blowing up the kitchen creating fun new recipes, you can likely find her lost on the mountain or in a book - either of which alongside the furry adventure companion, Remi The Red Aussie, and the less furry adventure companion, the Beau-dacious husband Beau. 


Carly Snider

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Katie Frost

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Hello, I am Katie, a mother of three ravenous children, with a passion for food and all things sweet!


Twelve years ago I started on a nutrition journey to better understand my own health, and eating patterns.  This led me down a career path in the nutrition field, along with opportunities to further expand on my formal education. 


My nutrition background includes a BS in Health Care Advocacy from Indiana University as well as a  post-Baccalaureate from Oregon State University in Dietetics, and a Health Coaching Certificate from Institute for Integrative Nutrition. In 2018, I completed a Masters of Science Degree in Clinical Nutrition and Integrative Health from Maryland University of Integrative Health.  Upon completion of this degree, I obtained over 1000 hours of clinical time, along with course completions from The Institute for Functional Medicine. 


Most recently, I have completed a 6 month long training to be a Happiness Coach. With the completion of these educational opportunities, I discovered that my joy lies in the implementation of diets, and working with clients in the long-term success of finding health.   Like all moms out there, I have been working to create balance with family life and personal fulfillment. 


I am excited to be working with Dig Nutrition, and this amazing team of ladies.  The process of creating custom meal plans for clients has been creatively rewarding as well as nourishing to my passions!

Shelly is air traffic control for Dig Nutrition.  


She keeps us stocked with inventory and fields phone calls…she does all of the things that would completely bog us down otherwise.  She truly cares about the clients who come to our practice and shows it with gestures of stickers for kids (and adults sometimes), dog treats for the dog children and nourishes the staff with gifts of love on the regular.  


Shelly loves animals, children, being a grandmother, kayaking, concerts and thrifting.  She will likely be the first person you talk to on your journey with Dig Nutrition.

BSW (Behind the Scenes Wizard)

Shelly Johnson

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